Discovering Melbourne, one basketball court at the time
April 16, 2015
A beautiful Sunday in Melbourne
July 29, 2015When Nigel and I decided to get married, in my mind I knew exactly what I wanted: a beautiful summer day, lovely little church in my dad’s village, service with meaningful words in both english and italian, family and friends from all over the worlds gathered around us, music, good food…simple and effective!
Of course in those pre-internet days organising intercontinental weddings had its challenges and my dream wedding was perhaps less simple then I expected.
I decided to overcome the first obstacle by choosing to have the reception at my parents farm and letting my mother organise the perfect wedding lunch, involving all the cooks in the village, all somehow related to our family! It was going to be a small affair so I knew it shouldn’t have been too stressful and I trusted her with food!
My task was to find a way to organise the ceremony and this, as it happens, was not very straightforward.
Getting married in a garden, a boat, a beach was a concept totally foreign to me, until I arrived in Melbourne, where all this was possible! The option of having a celebrant to marry you wherever you like was wonderful and, before I knew it, I started fantasising!I I had in mind the lovely little church in the country but somewhere dear to me was going to be just as magic. Vallecrosia’s Comune was not that place and I knew it.
But Nigel is jewish and the idea of the little church soon became obsolete.
In the absence of emails I had to resort to the good, old phone. I called the priest from my parents’ parish. I explained in very few words (in those days talking to Italy cost 1 dollar per minute, I had to be brief!) our situation and Don Agostino was almost as excited as I was, he loved the idea of performing an interfaith marriage! He told me that, to be married in a church Nigel would need to sign a form declaring he would bring up his children as catholic. No signature, no church! Don Agostino reassured me that it was just a formality and our children could have been brought up however we wanted. I am sure the bishop wouldn’t have approved but his relaxed approach worked for me and I knew instantly that he was the right person for the job!
Nigel, on the other hand, was outraged by the priest’s lack of integrity and he adamantly refused to sign any such declaration. A different cultural approach: Italian completely relaxed, and even a little thrilled, about breaking the rules, Australian shocked by such suggestion!
On my second call I told the priest that Nigel would not sign and he congratulated me for having chosen such a righteous man.
Nothing could dishearten us and we went on to the second option: somewhere just as magic!
We decided that we could have the ceremony in my parents farm, where we were going to have the wedding reception. Don Agostino loved the idea, at this stage he was really getting into the groove, and he told me that, as a formality (another one!)he had to speak to the bishop but he was sure it wouldn’t have been a problem.
This time it was the bishop to be outraged by such proposal! Don Agostino and I were not discouraged and he came up with an idea: he would perform the wedding wherever we wanted, we could write our own service and we could go to the local town hall to sign the papers.
And this is what we did. My mum organised the food, my auntie the flowers, my cousin the music and my uncle the photographs. A true family affair! Don Agostino ran the service and he promised he would not mention Jesus! He was true to his word, even though the jewish part of the family did not speak italian. We wrote our own vows and our friends and family read meaningful poems and psalms, in italian and english. At the end of the ceremony we stepped on a glass, like in all good jewish wedding. And we were married!
In fact we weren’t. We ate delicious food, spent time with people we love, cried and laughed, danced all night. A truly perfect wedding day but at the end of it we weren’t really married. For that we had to wait a few more days when, with a couple of witnesses, we went up to the soulless Comune di Vallecrosia where we signed our papers.
It might not have been that simple, but it certainly was effective! It was a special day and, most of all, it was completely our.
Meraviglia Barbara.
E bellissimi!!! ^_^
E giovanissimi 🙂
Siete sempre uguali pero’ ?
Più o meno 😉
Grazie per aver condiviso il tuo grande giorno… Organizzare il mio non e’ stata una passeggiata, ma farlo senza internet, senza skype e senza i comfort di oggi sarebbe stato mille volte peggio!
Sei stata la mia ispirazione! Leggere del tuo matrimonio mi ha portato indietro nel tempo 🙂
Post emozionante, da pelle d’oca. Bellissimi, giovanissimi innamoratissimi e con un fantastico Don Agostino dalla vostra!
Don Agostino resterà sempre nel mio cuore! Purtroppo lo hanno mandato via dalla parrocchia…non per colpa nostra…ma ovviamente non piaceva a tutti! Un bacio 🙂
Mito Don Agostino!
Unico ed irripetibile!
Che storia meravigliosa, Barbara!!! Davvero poetica!! 🙂
Grazie Angela! A volte ricordare fa bene al cuore 🙂
Barbara, che emozione il tuo racconto e ancora una virgoletta di invidia buona. Avrei voluto averlo io un matrimonio cosi’. 🙂 Quanti anni sono passati eh? Noi festeggeremo i nostri 25 anni di nozze il primo dicembre di quest’ anno e non mi sembra vero! Un abbraccione enorme bellissima amica mia!
Angela, nozze d’argento, festeggiamenti in vista! Si, e’ stato davvero una giornata meravigliosa e riguardando le foto non posso credere quanti anni sono passati 😉