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My journey through school – high school

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We made it to High School!

We made it to High School!

Last Monday Julia had her last school concert.

Come and say farewell to our year 12 students” said the school’s newsletter.

I have read this so many times during the years, and attended so many “farewell” concerts.

The last senior concert, a big milestone, I am always moved to see how mature and grown up the kids look, standing on stage, confident and proud.

All of a sudden, Julia was one of them.

Since then it has been a succession of “last times” and here we are: tomorrow will be her last day of school!

Although it feels all a bit sudden, it has been a six years journey.

We started by looking at the most suitable school for her. In Victoria students, generally, have to attend the state school closer to their home address. It is however possible to apply to go to a different school on the basis of curriculum grounds.

Because of her interest in music and playing the cello she was able to find a place in a local school with an excellent music program and in 2010 she started at Northcote High.

Just like with primary school, I had to get used to a whole new system.

The first three years all students learn the same basic subjects.

Depending on what the school offers, they can choose to study different languages and from year 8 also a number of electives subjects.

Julia had the opportunity to try woodwork and textiles, cooking and Chinese.

In year 10 they decide which direction they want to take and must pick the subjects they will study for the next three years.

In year 11 and 12 they start working exclusively on the subjects they will bring to their VCE exams (the “maturità” in Italy), at the end of year 12. Generally students choose 5 or 6 subjects, but it’s possible to do an extra one if you are that way inclined.

Northcote High is a very big school for Italian standards but it was more familiar to me.

Unlike in primary school, the classrooms had desks and chairs, a white board and we had to buy books. Not many…but at least some!

Students have to wear a uniform.

I dreaded the idea at first but I soon got used to it and so did Julia. In the self conscious years of adolescence it was a relief for her not to have to think of what to wear to fit in. They do have “free dress” days every term and occasionally even “themed” days, when kids can display their uniqueness and wear what they like best.

China orchestra tour

China orchestra tour

The music program has certainly been one of the highlight of the past 6 years and it’s one of the aspect of school in Australia that I like the most.

It offers students the opportunity to play an instrument and perform without the need to attend a specific music school. Julia played in the orchestra and the strings ensemble from the beginning of high school. She went on interstate and overseas tours, establishing long lasting friendships and developing self discipline and confidence that will no doubt accompany her into adulthood.

Plus she has tons of memories and a great music repertoire!

Of course I have had my reservations.

Unlike in Italy there is very little homework and studying done at home, the bulk of the work is completed during school hours.

There are no random testing, no scary interrogazioni when the teacher picks a student and asks questions about a particular topic, giving marks according to the replies. Exams only start in year 10 and, in my opinion, are not taken too seriously until they get to year 12.

Home from the second last day, with a signed uniform!

Home from the second last day, with a signed uniform!

And there are hardly any consequences if a student is not performing well. No failing or have to repeat the year, just encouragement to try and do better next time. Although in principle this approach sounds very nurturing, I am still to be convinced of its potential success.

Julia has never worked very hard and has always done well but there has been a change in the past two years:

She is still doing well but, finally, she is working hard!

Her attitude toward learning and studying has made me reconsider my doubts as I see her work with great dedication and interest.

Exams will start on the 29th October.

She is going through this last stretch in a calm and relaxed way, taking one step at the time, spending time with her friends and playing her cello in between writing essays and reading Wuthering Heights and the Odyssey.

It has being a fabulous journey and, as after all the best journeys, I will be sad and relieved when it’s over.



  1. Angela says:

    Oh! It’s so lovely! Success to Julia on her final exams! Such a big adventure so far. I’m sure she enjoyed every single moment in high school!!

  2. Mrs. Bingles says:

    I love her signed uniform and the smile on her face. In bocca al lupo for her exams next week.

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